40 Days to Personal Revolution

About two months ago I started the “40 Days” program (http://www.baronbaptiste.com/40days/).  I participated in it at a local yoga studio in Houston, Texas.  My specific program involved 5 heated powerful flow classes at my studio and one home practice a week, twice a day meditation, mindful eating, and weekly meetings.

I was attracted to the program for the physical challenge.  I wanted to push myself to do yoga everyday and I knew with a structured program I would commit to my practice.  I don’t like to give up so if I said I would do it everyday, I’d  do it everyday.  And I did.  For almost six weeks.  Like a lot of newbie yogis I wanted to learn the “cool” poses.  The sort of things you see in yoga photo shoots.  I started the program with the goal to really be able to do headstand and crow.  After the forty days I succeeded in my goals, but I got much more out of the program than a few photo worthy poses.

I found a way to make yoga a real part of my life and I learned how to lead myself through practices at home.  Just me and my mat.  And just like that all my excuses went out the door.  I can’t tell you how many times I’ve convinced myself I don’t have time.  Sometimes I really didn’t have time to drive 20 minutes to the studio, take a 60 minute class, and drive the 20 minutes back home.  Sometimes I did.  But once home practice became a real option the time concerns disapeared.  There were no excuses not to get up 30 minutes earlier and move through a few vinyasas before my shower.  There were no excuses not to spend the 20 minutes I had waiting for food to cook doing some hip openers.

The real benefit of my 40 days came in the realization that yoga could be a seemless part of my day.  Wherever I found myself, however much time I had.  I started this blog to hold myself to it.  To continue to explore yoga as a part of my life and growth.

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